Sunday, December 4, 2011

Stefanie Li - Still Lives

High Key 

Low Key 



1 comment:

  1. Stefeanie,
    High key and low key images are almost there but needs more definition with the edge of the glass. The high angle you have shot your high key image from is not making it easy to define the edges of your subject. Either change your shooting angle or bring black cards into the frame to catch the edges of the glass. You may have to suspend the object on a glass table a bring black cards in underneath. Your low key image also needs more edge definition on the sides of the glass, use bigger cards, move them behind set and light the cards. Sometimes shooting glass is about lighting lighting what the glass sees, like the mirror shot.

    Your mirror shot is very nice, the mirror looks like a mirror but only because it reflect the makeup. You did not utilize the technique demonstrated in class. Tilt the mirror back and have it reflect a tone gradient.

    Your water shot has the right Idea however this is an opportunity to play with the distance of the black card camera left. Also adding more black cards above and behind the bottle will help to define the edges of the type on the front... good luck.
